Young Life


Introducing adolescents who feel lost in their search for meaning, purpose, truth and acceptance to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith.


What We Do

Young Life is a world-class organization with several outreach ministries who help adolescents to enrich their lives. The staff and volunteers build personal relationships with youth to gain their trust, and focus on what matters to them - fun, adventure, friendship and a sense of significance. In doing so, they earn the privilege of talking to them about the truth about God and His love for them.

T.W. Lewis Foundation Support

T.W. Lewis Foundation provides a matching grant to help the local Young Life chapter raise money to train leaders to provide crucial mentorship to children in foster care group homes and in South Phoenix neighborhoods to help bring hope and meaning into their lives.

CLICK HERE to donate.


"I remember attending young life in high school. My leaders made an impression on me that stuck with me ever since. For that very reason I decided to become a Young Life leader. The same way I was embraced, empowered and encouraged, I wanted to be able to do the same for the teenagers in my community. Being able to share the gospel and actually witness the Holy Spirit change someone from the inside out has been the most rewarding thing in my life." - Kea

"As much as I would love to say that I do Young Life because of the kids, the truth is I do Young Life because the Lord has used it to bring me closer to Him. There have been countless times where I have felt so inadequate to lead students and each time I am brought to a place where I am in complete dependence on the Lord. Therefore, I can truly say that I get so much more out of this ministry from the Lord than I put in."
- Sam

"A sense of belonging is what attracted me to Young Life camp and ultimately Jesus. Without parents I was desperate to have something or someone call me theirs, for someone to stand up and say that I belonged to them. I heard Jesus say this to me at camp the summer after my sophomore year of High School."
- Jorge

Video - Young Life Arizona - 60 Years of Impact